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Closing process overview
Closing process overview
Tom Mills avatar
Written by Tom Mills
Updated over a week ago

Congratulations on a successful campaign! We will now work with you complete the transaction. Please keep in mind there is a minimum 7 day period from last investment to funds transfer.

What do we need to do to close and transfer your funds?

1. Direct investor payments (if applicable)

You will need to provide proof of receipt of funds from direct investments that were reflected in the campaign. A copy or screenshot of the company’s bank statement showing the funds transferred into the account will suffice.

2. Closing documentation 

Seedrs will prepare the legal documentation required to close the round based on what was agreed before the campaign launch, and we will work with you to ensure that these are in final form. Once prepared and agreed between you and us, we will circulate these for signing electronically (or if necessary, by hand). 

3. Advanced Assurance (if applicable)

If the investment round is S/EIS eligible, you will need to provide a copy of the advanced assurance received from HMRC prior to the transfer of funds.

4. Final due diligence checks

Immediately before we transfer funds, we will need to run final KYC checks on the company, its directors and majority shareholders. Depending on the results we may ask you for further documentation in order to support these checks, e.g. proof of identity and address.

5. Funds transfer

Once all documents have been signed and the above steps have been completed, Seedrs will arrange the funds transfer to the nominated bank account provided in your business checks before launch. Depending on when that was provided we may ask for a more recent bank statement.  

What happens after funds have been transferred? 

1. Beneficial share certificates

Once legal documents have been signed and funds transferred then beneficial share certificates will be issued to your investors by email and available to them in theirSeedrs Portfolio account, along with other details of their investment.

2. S/EIS application (if applicable)

We’ll request some info to arrange the tax relief application for your investors. You can provide this when you are ready, here: 

3. Shares eligible for trading on Secondary Market (if opted in)

These remain eligible until you inform us you have started planning a new fundraise. 

4. Welcome to the Seedrs Alumni Club!

A community for Seedrs-funded entrepreneurs to network and access curated resources to support business growth.

One of our Portfolio Managers will be in touch to explain more about how we can support your growth post-funding, how to interact with your Seedrs investors and how to leverage your investor community for future follow-on rounds. 

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