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Timing your communications
Samuel de Oliveira avatar
Written by Samuel de Oliveira
Updated over a week ago

It is all good telling everyone about your campaign, but to really reap rewards telling them at the right time is key. As much as you would like to send out a constant stream about your campaign, bombarding with posts can discourage investors. 

The best times to get your voice heard are between 8-9am and 2-3pm towards the back end of the week, but don’t be shy! If you can try and keep a good flow of content and updates throughout the whole week, and even weekends, it can make a real difference! A top tip would be to schedule your posts beforehand so they land at investor’s fingertips at the right time and touch point.

At Seedrs, we tend to post the majority of our content in the above mentioned hours of 8-9am and 2-3pm towards the back end of the week because investors seem to respond well at those times. Although, recent data published by SproutSocial suggest that engagement rates differ across industry and that brands in different industries should post content at slightly different times. This also slightly differs across social media platform too - mainly because users arrive at each platforms with slightly different motives and intentions. 

In light of this: scheduling your posts allows your brand to be there at the prime touch points, even if you can’t be! This is a great way to help you manage your content flow on social media and help you optimise the amount of engagement posts receive. Start out with the times recommended to post at but your audience may respond to content at slightly different times. It’s these marginal gains that once accumulated can subsequently lead to further investment. 

Here is a self-help guide on how to schedule your posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.


  • Start creating your post at the top of your Page’s timeline

  • Click 🔽 next to Publish and select Schedule

  • Below Publication, select the date and time when you want the post to publish.

  • Click Schedule

You can then manage these posts by going on: Publishing tools → Scheduled posts


Twitter only run the possibility for scheduled posts when using Twitter Ads. If you haven’t already signed up, go to to sign up for an advertiser account.

Once you have done that, when you go to compose tweets you should be able to see a scheduling tab which will allow you to push out promoted material at specific times. 


To post content onto Instagram - first of all you need a business account but also you will need a 3rd party application. Hootsuite offer the ability to schedule and post photos for you as do Later. You can schedule posts from both platforms for free to begin with.


It is a similar story for LinkedIn, they have no built in scheduling feature but there are 3rd party platforms which can facilitate free scheduling facilities, such as Postfity. 

Once signed up to a 3rd party scheduling platform, you can then begin to use this as a central suite to coordinate your social media activity. However, this comes at a cost the more advanced you get. Scheduling posts across Facebook using their in-house capabilities could be a good place to start. 

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